Friday, 15 May 2009

Carmen - free tickets to the Opera

The Diplomatic Association Tel Aviv is proud to anounce that thanks to our sponsors, DATA was able to secure 100 free tickets for the opera "Carmen".

If you're interested to participate in this cultural event, kindly reply by Tuesday, May 19th 2009.
The show will take place Friday, 22nd of May 2009* at the main theater of the Opera House of Tel Aviv.

*NOTE: DATA members will also benefit from a discount between 26 May - 13 June.

DATA tickets will be available Tuesday 22nd May (the same day of the performance) at the DATA reception desk, in the main entrance of the Opera House, starting from 12:00 pm.

Those who respond to this email to reserve a ticket and receive a confirmation reply, will find tickets on their names at the main gate.

The show starts 1:00 pm sharp and will last approximately for 3 hours. Kindly arrive as early as possible before the doors close (usually close 10 minutes before the show starts: i.e. 12:50 pm).

N.B. Tickets are personal, free of charge and subject to availability (i.e. will be reserved for the first 100 replies).

Please contact:
Diaa Hammad, DATA President
Embassy of Egypt - 054-254-5070

Fernando Ferreira da Silva, DATA Vice-President
Embassy of Portugal - 054-739-4959

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