Friday, 3 April 2009

Diplomatic Spouses' Club - Annual Charity Bazaar

On behalf of the Diplomatic Spouses' Club in Israel, DATA has the pleasure to transmit herewith a message and an invitation for participation in the DSC's Annual Charity Bazaar on April 25th, 2009 at the American International School.

As in previous years DSC has chosen to assist a non-profit organization in Israel that works with the needy, regardless of their ethnic, religious or social background. In 2009 DSC has chosen MICHA - a voluntary & not-for-profit Multidisciplinary Centre that cares for deaf and hard of hearing babies and children, from infancy through first grade in Tel Aviv and Central Israel.

As in previous years the resourceful ideas and the help of Embassies and diplomats such as free plane tickets, certificates for restaurants, gift baskets with products from the home country, food stands, etc. are greatly encouraged and will be very appreciated.

The bazaar will also provide you with the opportunity to donate your "white elephants" - new things that you don't use but you find in your home during your spring cleaning.

Annual Charity Bazaar of the Diplomatic Spouses’ Club, Saturday, 25 April, 2009 , 11:00 to 16:00 o‘clock.

American International School - 65, Hashomron Street, Even Yehuda
(Corner Rabin Drive, off the Netanya South/Poleg/Ikea interchange).

Entrance fee: Adults 10₪ - School age Children 5 ₪.

Fore more information, please contact:
Maria Fischer - - 054 318 17 48
Beatriz Putzeys, - 09 955 60 25

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