Friday, 25 June 2010

National Day of Slovenia

June 25

National Day of Croatia

June 25

Friday, 18 June 2010

Kelogg-Recanati Executive MBA Programme

Dear colleagues,

You are cordially invited to attend a meeting with the staff of the Recanati School and explore the possibility of having a scholarship or a fellowship for the best Masters program in Israel (part-time) "The Kellogg-Recanati International Executive MBA" in a special Information Session for the Diplomatic corps and expats working in Tel Aviv (invitation attached).

The session will be held next Tuesday 22th of June, room no. 254, Recanati Building, Tel Aviv University. Show your invitation at the university gate to enter with your car.

Kellogg is the school of Management of Northwestern University located at Chicago-Illinois, and it is the First school in the top ranking management schools all over the world in the EMBA programs ( check the top rankings in these sites:

- Business Week Magazine:(choose EMBA category in this link)

in the category of the Executive MBA, Kellogg is ranked the best business school, even before the most renowned schools like Wharton, Harvard, Stanford, NYU Stern ...etc

- World Street Journal:

Professors fly from the US to give lectures in English here in Tel Aviv University, and the program is designed to take into account that diplomats and other senior staff have a very busy schedule during the weekdays, so lectures are mainly given during weekends. The program contains also short study visits to Chicago, China, Germany, Canada for few days to participate and practice. It is a part time program where lectures are given during weekends, and it is specially designed for those who have a full time job.

The program includes some courses like Negotiations, Crisis Management, Leadership, Strategy and Planning, beside other financial and economic courses. It is specially designed executives and leaders from the government, business and the non-profit organizations with the purpose of enhancing their managerial skills, capabilities and effectiveness, in order to help them to be successful leaders.

Those who are interested to participate in this Info Session are kindly requested to RSVP as soon as possible through

Diaa Hammad, DATA President:

"I'm already a student at this amazing Program and I have nearly finished the 2 years study.

I'm advocating this program because it is really the best program we as diplomats serving here can get and gain a lot of experience from (my colleagues in the program come from all over Israel; Jerusalem, Beer Sheva and Haifa to participate in such a unique program) and I see a great opportunity for the diplomatic community to get benefit of joining this program while you are working here and without going to the US.

Getting diplomats to participate in this program is an attempt to have a connection between the world of business and that of Governance and non-profit organizations. I believe that civil servants and those who work for the governments have to understand the basic language of the business world and to be even a step ahead in front of the business community, in order to pave the way for potential opportunities and to initiate legislations and laws that have a better understanding of what is going on and which in turn facilitates the free movement of trade and businesses with the minimum friction possible.

I'm quite sure that there must be a kind of linkage between the two worlds through opening more opportunities for the officials of the governments to study, understand and explore the business world. The world is becoming a smaller village and there is an interactive relation among all the genres and fields of human sciences like economy, politics, sociology, etc...and even art.

For me, it was a very interesting experience".

Thursday, 17 June 2010

DATA's Summer Party - 26 June

Come to DATA's Summer Party
for diplomats and friends

It will be a "Mingling then Dancing Party" that will last for approximately 2 hours.
Those interested may then go to the disco and participate in a dancing party of that long long Saturday night.
  • Venue:
The event will be held in "Hatira / The Castel" , 25 Lilienblum st. Tel Aviv (in front of Nanuchka).
  • Date:
Saturday 26th of June 2010, 8:00 pm.
  • Guests:
All members of the diplomatic corps, International organizations and their friends.
  • Details:
- Free Entrance for the invitees and guests.
- Hatira will offer the first drink and a salad bar for free as a complement on the house.
- The place will be reserved only for us and our guests.
- A big screen will be available for all World Cup Lovers.
- Professional DJ and discotheqe for those who can't avoid the temptation of Dance.

- We will also celebrate Nathan's 30's and mark Greg's departure.

Those who are interested to "mingle and dance" are kindly requested to RSVP as soon as possible, stating the number and full names of guests they wish to invite to reserve enough places for them.

Please indicate in your reply which Embassy/Int'l organisation you belong to and the email addresses of other diplomats and international staff you would like to add to our mailing list.

TO RSVP please contact:

Please bring your personal cards.

Saturday, 12 June 2010

National Day of the Philippines

June 12, Independence day

National Dayof the Russian Federation

June 12

Thursday, 10 June 2010

National Day of Portugal

June 10
Day of Portugal,
and Portuguese Communities

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

National Day of Italy

June 2