Friday, 28 May 2010

Africa Day

Celebration of Africa Day
25 May

“Promoting Peace through Sports”

National Day of Ethiopia

May 28

National Day of Azerbaijan

May 28, Republic Day

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

National Day of Georgia

May 26

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

National Day of Jordan

May 25

National Day of Argentina

May 25

Thursday, 20 May 2010

National Day of Cameroon

20 May

Monday, 17 May 2010

Farewell to our colleague Gonzalo Voto Bernales

The many friends that Gonzalo Voto Bernales, Minister Counsellor at the Embassy of Peru, has made in Israel will be sorry to see him leave soon. About to complete his tour of duty in Israel, Gonzalo has been reassigned to Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Founding member of DATA, Gonzalo has given a remarkable contribute to the establishment and development of our association. Last saturday a farewell party was organised at the residence of our colleague Marcela Celorio, Deputy-Chief of Mission at the Embassy of Mexico. Thanks Marcela.

On behalf of DATA and as token of our appreciation and esteem, Gonzalo was awarded DATA's traditional farewell gift: a small engraved box.

Farewell Gonzalo, and good luck.

Tel Aviv

Teresa Mateus

National Day of Norway

17 May, Constitution Day

Friday, 14 May 2010

National Day of Paraguay

14 May, Independence Day

Thursday, 13 May 2010

About membership

Accredited diplomats are automatically eligible to become DATA members.

According to the association's provisional statutes, representatives of foreign cultural institutes, tourism boards, commercial offices, military representatives and other organisms formally linked to foreign diplomatic missions will be able to join.

Others individuals and bodies who are not part of the diplomatic community but who work to promote the goals of the organization, will be eligible to become associate members or honorary members of DATA.

Send us an email to, with the following details (add a photo if available): name - title - diplomatic mission - address - phone - e-mail address.

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Europe day

May 9

Monday, 3 May 2010

National Day of Poland

May 3, Constitution Day