Thursday, 26 March 2009

DATA's Spring Gathering at Rocca - Herzlyia Pituah

DATA invites diplomats serving in Israel to attend our spring afternoon gathering at Rocca Dinning Resort (8 Ramat Yam str., Herzlyia Pituah) on Sunday, April 5th 2009, at 16.00h.
We'll gather there to enjoy the beauty of the Mediterranean sea and its fascinating sunset and also to present DATA to newcomers and other interested members of the diplomatic community, our past achievements and the future aims of the Diplomatic Association (officially inaugurated in December 2007 by thirty-six diplomats from twenty-seven countries).

DATA will be looking forward to meeting you over a glamourous reception at the breathtaking venue kindly made available through the courtesy of Cactus Real Estate Ltd.

RSVP by Tuesday, March 31st 2009.

Please contact:
Ina Stoyanova, Embassy of Bulgaria - 054-764 00 83
Diaa Hammad, Embassy of Egypt 054-254 50 70

Thursday, 19 March 2009

Visit to Rosh Haayin

DATA would like to extend an invitation to its members by the Mayor of Rosh Haayin, Mr. Moshe Sinai:
"To visit the town from which Hayrkon river starts its way"
Sunday, March 29th 2009 – from 09.00 to 15.00.
Meeting points:
ZOA House - Even Gvirol Str. (corner with Daniel Frish) - at 08:30, or
Kfar Shmaryahu junction - at 09:15.

On the programme:

- Reception at the “Ofek” school + breakfast;
- Observation of the town and surroundings from the Zedek Tower;
- Authentic Henna Ceremony;
- Visit to the center for handicapped people + lunch;
(chocolates, flowers, presents will all be for sale as a way of emphasizing the integration of handicapped people in society);
- Visit to the offices of “Degem Systems” Company - an international software company.
- End of programme 15:00.

Arrival at Kfar Shmaryahu at about 16:00.
Arrival at ZOA House, Tel Aviv, at 16.30.

Please R.S.V.P until March 19th 2009.

To confirm your attendance, please write to
For any questions or comments please contact:
Ina Stoyanova, DATA President
Embassy of Bulgaria, (054 764 00 83)

Fernando Ferreira da Silva, DATA Vice-President
Embassy of Portugal (054 739 49 59)

The relationship between East and West Psychology

Lecture/Presentation on

When Freud Osho, Budha, and Jung met on the stream of the river – the relationship between East and West Psychology

By Dr. Yaron Ziv

Thursday, March 26th, 2009: 18.00 – 20.00
8 Pinchas Rozen st., Herzlyia
It is also possible to meet at at 17:45
at the Cinema City Parking at Gliliot Junction (by the Stake House)

Coffee and cookies at the start

Please R.S.V.P until March 24th 2009.

To confirm your attendance, please write to
For any questions or comments please contact:
Ina Stoyanova, DATA President
Embassy of Bulgaria, (054 764 00 83)

Fernando Ferreira da Silva, DATA Vice-President
Embassy of Portugal (054 739 49 59)